Russian Online Advertising Market Grew By 26%

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AKAR has calculated the volume of the advertising market for the first 9 months of 2021. The total volume of advertising budgets in advertising distribution media, net of VAT, amounted to over 394 billion rubles, which is 25% more than in the crisis year of 2020 and 15% more than in the pre-crisis year of 2019.

The Internet remains the leader of the global and Russian advertising markets and continues to strengthen its position, although not as rapidly as it has been in the past few years.

The online advertising market for the reporting period grew by 26% to RUB 216 billion, which is more than half of all advertising revenues in the country.

With a 55% share, the further dynamics of the segment will directly depend on the growth rates of the advertising market as a whole and be limited by them, says Alexander Papkov, Technology Director of Media Direction Group.

Television is showing steady growth – by 20% compared to 2020 and by 11% compared to the pre-crisis 2019. The segmented volume reached 133-134 billion rubles.

Experts believe that TV by the end of the year may reach its historical maximum.

AKAR experts note that after a difficult 2020, the Russian advertising industry has not only recovered but, continuing its steady growth, has reached new maximum volumes in its entire history.

The largest growth – by 43% – was recorded in the outdoor advertising segment, over RUB 31 billion. But compared to the same period in 2019, the growth was only 1%.