Mikhail Slivinsky, Yandex search platform ambassador, addressed whether titles and H1 tags on webpages should match. His response, shared on his Telegram channel, clarified their roles in web content and ranking.
Slivinsky explained that exact matches between the title and H1 are not necessary. While both elements indicate what a page is about, they serve different purposes.
The title appears in search result snippets and should be designed to catch the user’s attention. It needs to stand out among other results by being informative and appealing, encouraging users to click.
On the other hand, the H1 functions as an on-page heading. It doesn’t need to repeat the company name or promotional details because these are already conveyed through other elements, such as logos or site features.
Slivinsky also suggested experimenting with different heading templates and phrasing. Sometimes, unconventional choices perform better than expected, making testing a valuable strategy.
These insights highlight the importance of understanding how to optimize content elements for user engagement and search performance.
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