Yandex Wordstat is a free service from the Yandex search enginethat shows statistics of user queries.
The service provides information about part of the requests of potential customers. It is needed not only for SEO, but also for setting up a campaign in context.
The service provides information about part of the requests of potential customers. What can you learn thanks to him:
- popularity of queries among users
- similar subject queries
- geography of demandseasonality and trends
The service has three modes: search by words, by regions and history of requests.
For a more general tutorial around using Wordstat’s basic features, you can read this guide here. In this article, we’re going to look at the different search operators you can use to advance your Russian keyword research via Yandex Wordstat
Wordstat Search Operators
You can search for data by simply driving a query into the search for a service, but there are operators for specifying queries – additional characters with qualifications. They work on the search tabs by words and by regions, on the tab with the history of queries you can use only the operator “+ query”.
Required Words
+request – the operator makes the word before which it is required. It is usually used for important prepositions. The service takes into account different forms of the word, sometimes the meaning changes because of this, and the rule for the preposition allows you to cut off the unnecessary.
Negative Words
-query – allows you to delete queries with words that should not appear in them from the results. Usually, words that blur the topic are minus, in commerce they remove requests with an independent solution to the problem.
Exact Wordform
!query – the operator fixes the ending of the word before which it is. The service will show only queries where the word is used in the form you specify – the desired number and case, with the same ending.
No Additions
“” Request “” – a request in quotes means that the service will show requests without additions – tails, clearly with the specified number of words.
Moreover, if a word or preposition is duplicated in the request, the service will add requests to the results, where another word is in place of the duplicate. A request with two prepositions “in”.
Exact Word Order
[query query] – operator with square brackets makes the word order in the query strict. This is often important for geographic inquiries in logistics and tourism.
Grouping Operators
(query query) – this operator makes it possible to group multiple operators. Then the service considers them simultaneously for the words specified in brackets.
(query | query) – the operator allows you to specify synonyms for variability. Works in conjunction with parentheses for grouping. With such operators, the service will search for queries by choosing words from the suggested synonyms.
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