Yandex have updated their brand assets, 13 years after the last major change in brand style guidelines.
The identity was developed by Yandex designers together with Ilya Ruderman, a type designer who has been cooperating with Yandex for a long time and participated in the creation of the Yandex Sans typeface.
Gennady Lokhtin, design director of Yandex Search has been quoted on record saying:
The previous Yandex logo was created almost thirteen years ago. Back then, no one thought that an internet company could deliver groceries, process payments, and make self-driving cars.
The new identity reflects the essence of modern Yandex and looks good on a variety of surfaces, from a smartphone screen to a package with products from Lavka. At the same time, she reminds that Yandex services have common technologies and a common origin – search.
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