Yandex.Weather has begun to display rainfall information shared by users on the precipitation map . Precipitation reports are marked with umbrellas. Now people can make a precipitation map together with Yandex, helping each other not to get wet.
On the precipitation map, it is easy to see where it rains and find out the forecast for the next two hours – with an accuracy of 10 minutes. You can look at the map and decide when is the best time to take the dog for a walk or, for example, run to the store. When compiling a precipitation map, Yandex uses data from weather radars and satellites, but they have their drawbacks. So, meteorological radars do not cover the entire territory of the country, and images from satellites come with a delay of half an hour. User posts will help fill these gaps.
The umbrellas are shown on the Weather mobile site and in the Yandex app, and will soon appear in the Weather app. You can report rain through any of the company’s weather forecast apps. Previously, users also reported precipitation, but this data was only used to check the quality of the forecast, and now it is displayed on the map. And the more messages people send, the more accurate the map will be.
Yandex.Weather tells about the weather outside the window and gives a forecast accurate to the town/city, as well as geo-locationt. For this, Meteum technology is used, which combines traditional forecasting methods with machine learning capabilities. In addition to the precipitation map, the service has weather maps with temperature, pressure and wind strength.
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