Over the past couple of days Yandex have made a number of updates to their support documentation, some more comprehensive than others.
The following article summarises some of the smaller changes, and provides links to other articles we have published covering changes to the documentation itself in more detail.
Minor Changes/Name Changes
Minor changes to pages not including any changes to the actual documentation include:
- Documentation for “Owners of movie sties” renamed to “For film site owners” (https://yandex.com/support/webmaster/movies/owners.html)
- Documentation for “Student Papers” renamed to “Essays” (https://yandex.com/support/webmaster/supported-schemas/essay.html)
- Documentation for “Searchable” renamed from “Pages in the search”, to “Pages on search” – which in my opinion talks about Search as being more of a product than a function than it did previously (https://yandex.com/support/webmaster/service/searchable.html)
- At the time of writing this, the typo of Dictribution is still present on the updated version (C is the Russian S).
- Documentation for “Products and prices” has been renamed “Product information” (https://yandex.com/support/webmaster/supported-schemas/goods-prices.html)
- Documentation for “Page statistics in search results” has been renamed “Statistics for pages in search results” (https://yandex.com/support/webmaster/service/urls.html)
- Yandex have also added a small CTA to this page, linking to the ranking troubleshooting guide.
- Documentation for “Starting Point” has been renamed “Site content”
- This was updated on February 12 2021, with the list of data types being reduced – you can read this here. No other changes have been made to this list with the recent updates.
Text/Link Additions
Indexing > Rank Documentation
It’s also worth noting that there was a small change made to the “How do I improve the site ranking in the search?” documentation, in which a line (and link) was added to the page exclusion report:
Page URL: https://yandex.com/support/webmaster/yandex-indexing/rank.html
Substantial Document Changes
More substantial documentation changes include:
- Updates to their feedback documentation for Troubleshooting (article)
- Large updates to their Server Response documentation, to now include SSL status (article)
- Removal of WHOIS email as a method of site access rights verification (article)
- Addition of HTTP/2 support statement to Indexing support guidelines (article)
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