.Zen Fact Checked 11,000 Publications Last Year

In 2020, Yandex.Zen fact-checked 11,000 publications, of which 6% were blocked/removed and 7% were labeled as containing potentially false or misleading information.

In September 2020, Yandex.Zen announced the fact-checking program, which we covered in this article here.

Since the beginning of the year, Zen has blocked or imposed restrictions on more than 1 million materials that violate the platform’s rules – for example:

  • Spam
  • Clickbait
  • Stolen Content
  • Offensive Content & Hate Speech

Yandex partners check publications. Among them – the media and the projects “Checked” and FakeCheck.

In the future, the service plans to involve other partners in the verification of publications, as well as expand the program for video verification and improve technologies for detecting fakes.

Zen checks all content: the moderation system restricts the impressions in the feed of articles and videos that violate the rules of the platform.

In July, Zen blocked and deprived of monetization of more than 26 thousand channels, among them – groups of channels with low-quality content, which users complained about.

The site expects that thanks to the new mechanism, unique articles, and videos from bloggers will receive more coverage and will be fairly monetized as a result.

Now there are more than 45 thousand active bloggers in Zen, who post almost 150 thousand articles, videos, and photo galleries every day. The daily audience of the service is 16 million people.