Yandex.Zen now has thematic channels that collect the best publications of the platform’s bloggers.Ā To get into such a channel, a blogger needs to take part in a challenge.
Channels with challenges will be additionally promoted in the feed and will be a good way for bloggers to increase their audience.Ā And users can get the most interesting content in one place.
Zen already has eight channels on various topics.Ā One of them is dedicated to the Kinopoisk marathon: bloggers are invited to talk about their favorite TV series or to review a film.Ā Another challenge – Vacation in the area.Ā It is suitable for those who can take an unusual tour of their area.Ā Other channels – Force Yourself, Champion Marathon, Vacation, Healthy Breakfast, Discover the World, Perfect Saturday.
The list of challenges is displayed in the editor and is updated every two weeks.Ā You can participate in all of them at once.Ā At the first stage, only Zen and platform partners will launch challenges, but soon all bloggers will be able to do this.
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