Sponsored Posts

This site runs two forms of promotional posts, both are declared “Brought to you by”.

There will also be a declaration in the post itself, that it has been sponsored.

“Brought To You By” Posts & Criteria

The team here at International Search News processes a lot of data for our studies.

If you think your tool would help with that process, in exchange for tool usage – we will use the tool, and articles published using the data will receive the brought to you by disclaimer.

These are links from the article and main news feed to your tool, as well as prominent branding.

This is in exchange for tool access for 12-months.

Sponsored Posts

All sponsored posts must follow the guidelines laid out in the editorial articles section.

When making contact, you must disclose the company and sector that you’re wanting to build links to. We do not and never shall agree to publish articles that have been sponsored without knowing the company first.

This is so we can protect our users, who may click and follow these links – so we need to ensure they are to valid, relevant websites that won’t cause harm.

The editorial team reserve all rights to make amends to the submitted article including anchor text, links, and linking frequency.

Sponsored posts links will have rel=”sponsored” declared, and editorial posts will not, as one is a genuine article, and the other has been sponsored.