n Yandex.Market Analytics, 10 more categories of goods have become available, for which the Market provides analytical data to its partners. There are now 790 categories in total. Also in Analytics, you can now compare data for a month, week, ...

Yandex has started to allow channel authors to monetize articles by including product widgets. All authors with monetization enabled can insert Beru marketplace and Yandex.Market widgets into their articles, as both a way to generate income as well as increase ...

Yandex.Plus will switch to a new subscription system. Now there will be two types of subscription: Plus – for one person and Plus Multi – for a family. All subscribers will receive cashback in points on Yandex services. After the update, the ...

Yandex has introduced new statistics to the reporting dashboards in Yandex.Directory, allowing companies to better understand how users are interacting with listings. Companies can see how users built routes, made calls, and navigated to the organization’s website from search and ...

Much like on eBay, Beru users can now navigate to a sellers profile page and view other items that they have for sale. On the seller page, users can filter products by category, select products with discounts, sort products by ...

Between February and June 2020, Yandex algorithm monitoring tools have shown extremely high levels of volatility across the majority of verticals. For context, throughout the entirety of 2019 algorithm volatility tools recorded a score of 10/10 twice, whereas in 2020 ...

With increased IT infrastructure spending forecast across multiple regions, and with the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) to promote protection for Russian start-ups and a better-regulated technology market, the Russian financial sector (both personal and for businesses) is set to see ...

If it wasn’t obvious from the increased resources, features, and blogger… “encouragement” programs that Yandex’s Zen team have been rolling out in recent weeks – Zen right now has the potential to become a very potent part of any marketing ...

A new bill has been introduced in the State Duma proposing the introduction of fines for webmasters, and legal entities responsible for websites, who refuse to remove and delete content at the request of the law. Developed by United Russia ...

A messenger has appeared in Yandex.Zen. Now you can communicate with Zen authors not only in the comments: any Zen user will be able to write private messages to them – with the consent of the Zen author. Zen announced this ...